Keeping Database Tests Fast with `tmp-postgres`

updated 12/28/19

You’ve written some Haskell code and it compiles…so it works?

Hahahahahahahaha ha…sigh…[muffled sobbing].

Turns out this is not the case - not the case in general and definitely not the case if you are writing database queries.

You can try to find various libraries to limit what needs to be tested but at some point you are going to want to test your database code.

tmp-postgres can help you write reliable tests. There are a lot of ways you could utilize tmp-postgres to write your tests but I’ll show you what I find works best for me.

This blog post also shows general database test good practices that are not tied to using tmp-postgres or postgresql-simple.

Starting postgres Quickly

We need to create a fast tmp-postgres setup function.

First, we will utilize initdb caching by using withDbCache. As I discussed previously this gives a 3-4x performance boost. However in “real” projects the overhead in database testing tends to come from the time it takes to create a migrated database. Running a complete set of database migrations can easily take 10 seconds. To speed up this process we need a way to cache a database cluster after the migrations have run.

tmp-postgres provides the cacheAction function to cache migrated database clusters. Here is the type signature:

cacheAction :: FilePath -> (DB -> IO ()) -> Config -> IO (Either StartError Config)

If the database cluster folder (the first argument) does not exist, the continuation (second argument) will run. The third argument is to configure the temporary database which makes the cluster. cacheAction returns a Config that can be used to start a database initialized with the cached database cluster referred to in the first argument.

Long story short, you should use cacheAction to store a database cluster at the state after the migration has been run, and stored at a location based on the hash of the migration query (and any other previous hashes … if you wanted to cache every migration for instance). If you do this, you won’t have to run your migrations every time you run your tests.

Here is an example tmp-postgres setup function that does all the right things:

withSetup :: (Pool Connection -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withSetup f = do
  -- Helper to throw exceptions
  let throwE x = either throwIO pure =<< x

  throwE $ withDbCache $ \dbCache -> do
    let combinedConfig = defaultConfig <> cacheConfig dbCache
    migratedConfig <- throwE $ cacheAction ("~/.tmp-postgres/" <> hash) migrate combinedConfig
    withConfig migratedConfig $ \db ->
      f =<< createPool (connectPostgreSQL $ toConnectionString db) close 2 60 10

Let’s recap what this function does:

We can now use this function to provide a Pool Connection for our tests with the some resource helpers.

around withSetup $ describe "list/add/delete" $ do
  it "return [] initially" $ withPool $ \conn -> do
    list conn `shouldReturn` []
  it "returns the created elements" $ withPool $ \conn -> do
    theId <- add conn 1
    list conn `shouldReturn` [theId]
  it "deletes what is created" $ withPool $ \conn -> do
    theId <- add conn 2
    delete conn theId
    list conn `shouldReturn` []

Minimize the Creation of Database Clusters

The example above is a valid way to test queries but it is unlikely to be the optimal way.

The problem is around creates an isolated postgres cluster for every test. Even with all of our fancy caching, this is still pretty time consuming compared to our queries which will be in the low single digit millisecond range.

To limit the overhead of starting an ephemeral database it is best to create the minimal number of database clusters.

hspec is missing an aroundAll function. Here is one that I use: aroundAll

We can use it to replace the around in our previous example:

aroundAll withSetup $ describe "list/add/delete" $ do
  it "return [] initially" $ withPool $ \conn -> do
    list conn `shouldReturn` []
  it "returns the created elements" $ withPool $ \conn -> do
    theId <- add conn 1
    list conn `shouldReturn` [theId]
  it "deletes what is created" $ withPool $ \conn -> do
    theId <- add conn 2
    delete conn theId
    list conn `shouldReturn` []

The Rub

Using aroundAll will speed up our testing but our test suite is now broken. The problem is the second test leaves behind an entry breaking the third test.

We could make the third test more robust by caching the state at the start of the test and ensuring we return to the initial state:

  it "deletes what is created" $ withPool $ \conn -> do
    before <- list conn

    theId <- add conn 2
    delete conn theId
    list conn `shouldReturn` before

There are still potential problems with this modification.

At the end of the day, it might not be clear how to make a given test robust.

One way we can regain the isolation of separate database clusters and postgres instances is by using the database’s mechanisms for query isolation.

To faciliate query isolation, we’ll write a function to wrap a list of statements in a transaction that we roll back instead of committing:

abort :: (Connection -> IO a) -> Connection -> IO a
abort f conn = bracket_
  (execute_ conn "BEGIN")
  (execute_ conn "ROLLBACK")
  (f conn)

We can now prefix our tests with abort and they will not interfere with each other:

aroundAll withSetup $ describe "list/add/delete" $ do
  it "return [] initially" $ withPool $ abort $ \conn -> do
    list conn `shouldReturn` []
  it "returns the created elements" $ withPool $ abort $ \conn -> do
    theId <- add conn 1
    list conn `shouldReturn` [theId]
  it "deletes what is created" $ withPool $ abort $ \conn -> do
    theId <- add conn 2
    delete conn theId
    list conn `shouldReturn` []

It is worth pointing out that not every PostgreSQL sql statement can run in a transaction. Additionally, there is no isolation level that can bring the database to the same state, the way starting at a cluster snapshot can. Things like sequences are incremented and not decremented on rollback among other MVCC infidelities. That said, abort is a perfectly sensible solution for testing most queries.

The Pleasure and Pain of parallel

Database queries are meant to be run in parallel with other queries. We can take advantage of this by running our tests in parallel to improve performance.

We can change our tests to run in parallel by adding the parallel combinator:

aroundAll withSetup $ describe "list/add/delete" $ parallel $ do
  it "return [] initially" $ withPool $ abort $ \conn -> do
    list conn `shouldReturn` []
  it "returns the created elements" $ withPool $ abort $ \conn -> do
    theId <- add conn 1
    list conn `shouldReturn` [theId]
  it "deletes what is created" $ withPool $ abort $ \conn -> do
    theId <- add conn 2
    delete conn theId
    list conn `shouldReturn` []

Unfortunately if we run our tests again we will notice failures.

The problem is our abort function is wrapping everything in a READ_COMMITTED isolation level. This is equivalent to each statement receiving its own snapshot of the database; but we need the entire transaction to have a single consistent snapshot of the database. We need to use either REPEATABLE_READ or SERIALIZABLE isolation.

In our particular example, modifying abort to use SERIALIZABLE would solve our parallel test issues. However, this is not always possible.

For instance, some postgres statements, like SKIP LOCKED, do not run performantly in more consistent isolation levels because they provide an intrinsically inconsistent picture of the database.

This made using SERIALIZABLE unusable in testing postgresql-simple-queue. However, I was still able utilize parallel to improve performance, while maintaining isolation through separate postgres instances.

The startup cost of tmp-postgres is around 250 ms on Mac or 90 ms on Linux, so your tests will need to be at least 0.6 seconds but probabaly closer to 2.0 seconds for this approach to be meaningfully helpful.

Here is what it would look like in our example:

describe "list/add/delete" $ parallel $ do
  aroundAll withSetup $ do
    it "return [] initially" $ withPool $ abort $ \conn -> do
      list conn `shouldReturn` []
    it "returns the created elements" $ withPool $ abort $ \conn -> do
      theId <- add conn 1
      list conn `shouldReturn` [theId]

  aroundAll withSetup $ do
    it "deletes what is created" $ withPool $ abort $ \conn -> do
      theId <- add conn 2
      delete conn theId
      list conn `shouldReturn` []

Starting a separate postgres instance is a big hammer. It is a heavyweight operation but can surprisingly help performance in some situations and provides the highest level of isolation. However typically abort is optimal.

Reuse setup with rollback

abort is great for rolling back all the changes of a test but sometimes we would like to only rollback some changes in a test.

This situation arises when we would like to reuse some setup to run a few different assertions.

it "returns [] after all removal operations" $ withPool $ abort $ \conn -> do
  complexSetup conn
  forM_ allRemovalOperations $ \op -> rollback $ op conn >> list `shouldReturn` []

Unlike abort, rollback can be nested and does not abort the entire transaction.

We can implement rollback with savepoints like:

rollback :: Connection -> IO a -> IO a
rollback conn actionToRollback = mask $ \restore -> do
  sp <- savepoint conn
  restore actionToRollback `finally` rollbackToAndReleaseSavepoint conn sp

Since rollback uses savepoints, the performance is not as good as abort, which is twice as fast. However they are both sub-millisecond operations so I am not sure choosing one or the other matters.

Clean Up

Our tests are fast. That’s important. Slow tests die.

We can now make them prettier.

Using a Connection Monad

These tests are fast but they are kind of ugly because all of the conn threading. We can use a ReaderT Connection IO monad or something morally similar to it to implicitly pass the conn Connection parameter.

Here is our cleaned up example:

describe "list/add/delete" $ parallel $ do
  aroundAll withSetup $ do
    it "return [] initially" $ withPool $ abort $ do
      list `shouldReturn` []
    it "returns the created elements" $ withPool $ abort $ do
      theId <- add 1
      list `shouldReturn` [theId]

  aroundAll withSetup $ do
    it "deletes what is created" $ withPool $ abort $ do
      theId <- add 2
      delete theId
      list `shouldReturn` []

Fold abort and withPool into it

describe "list/add/delete" $ parallel $ do
  let wit msg = it msg . withPool . abort

  aroundAll withSetup $ do
    wit "return [] initially" $ do
      list `shouldReturn` []
    wit "returns the created elements" $ do
      theId <- add 1
      list `shouldReturn` [theId]

  aroundAll withSetup $ do
    wit "deletes what is created" $ do
      theId <- add 2
      delete theId
      list `shouldReturn` []

Alright good enough.


When testing with tmp-postgres, using cacheAction, abort, rollback and separate postgres instances can help keep test suites fast even as the project grows larger. Additionally, a connection monad can make the tests look cleaner.

In the next blog post in this series I’ll show how to use tmp-postgres to diagnose and fix performance problems in the queries under test.

A major pain of database testing I have not addressed is how to build test data that has foreign key references. I’ll have to come back to this after showing off tmp-postgres.

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