When threadWaitRead Doesn't

One might think threadWaitRead (and related functions) will block until a socket receives new data for reading.

Almost, but not quite.

Consider the following example server:

server :: MVar () -> Socket -> IO ()
server ready sock = flip onException (tryPutMVar ready ()) $ do
  (aSock, _) <- accept sock
  withFdSocket aSock $ \fd -> do
    -- Register a socket read ready callback
    waiter <- fmap fst $ threadWaitReadSTM (fromIntegral fd)
    waitThread <- async $ do
      atomically waiter
      putStrLn "threadWaitRead return!"
    putMVar ready ()
    threadDelay 1 -- YMMV
    print =<< recv aSock 3
    timeout 1000000 (wait waitThread) >>= \case
      Just _ -> pure ()
      Nothing -> die "timed out"

It is a silly server meant to show off the subtle semantics of threadWaitReadSTM.

After registering for the notification, server waits for the client to send packets by calling recv.

Another thread blocks on waiter which will return when there is data to read.

If we run the test executable repeatedly we will get output like:

"recv return"
threadWaitRead return!
"recv return"
threadWaitRead return!
threadWaitRead return!
"recv return"
"recv return"
threadWaitRead return!
threadWaitRead return!
"recv return"
threadWaitRead return!
"recv return"
"recv return"
timed out

Sometimes the STM () action from threadWaitReadSTM never returns even though the socket received new data to read.

Unfortunately, this is not a bug. threadWaitReadSTM inherits the semantics of the IO multiplexing APIs (kqueue and epoll) that are used to implement the EventManager backends (1) (2) and this is how they are supposed to work.

This behavior occurs on both Linux and MacOS. I know why it happens on Linux and I am assuming the same explanation holds for MacOS.

The Subtle Semantics of epoll_wait

On Linux threadWaitReadSTM is implemented by utilizing epoll_wait to receive events registered with epoll_ctl.

The Linux documentation has the following to say about epoll_wait:

 A call to epoll_wait() will block until either:

 · a file descriptor delivers an event;

 · the call is interrupted by a signal handler; or

 · the timeout expires.

This line:

a file descriptor delivers an event

glosses over some important details.

Event notification is a two-step process. In the case of sockets, when new data is available the function socket_def_readable is called. This causes the thread ep_poll was running on to wake up and poll the socket to see what sort of events have occured. It does this by calling tcp_poll.

tcp_poll checks various properities of the socket to determine if there are any ready events. tcp_stream_is_readable examines the socket’s receive buffer to see if there is data for reading.

If the data is read from the socket between the time of waking and checking, ep_poll will determine there are no events to return and go back to sleep. Thus epoll_wait might not return even if the socket receives new data.

This is exactly what occurs in the example server above. Sometimes recv happens after data is on the socket but before tcp_poll is executed via the epoll_wait path. When this occurs, the threadWaitReadSTM action (waiter) never returns.

How I Figured this Out

I discovered this tidbit of Linux trivia while trying to understand this bug with hasql-notifications.

It’s a three-year-old bug that still wasn’t fixed. The expert of postgresql-libpq, lpsmith had weighed in on the bug. cocreature and lpsmith had discovered a work-around. The work-around would require inserting threadWaitRead between sending a query and checking for the result in the bowels of hasql. However they were unsure of why this was necessary.

As is on-brand for me, I started by seeing if the server was sending the notification using Wireshark.

I fired up Wireshark and used “Follow TCP Stream”.

I captured the flows when the test passed and when it failed. Sadly, they were identical.

Also I could see a “channel.hi!” sent from the server to the client.

I concluded the notification was always sent by the server, but was it received?

To see if the client was receiving the notification I could use something like strace but there would be a lot of noise and I don’t believe strace can show the actual data returned by recvfrom.

So I opted for bpftrace instead.

bpftrace is part of a suite of new Linux observability tools built off the ebpf virtual machine and Linux probe technologies.

I wrote the following bpftrace script:

    printf("%s sys_enter_recvfrom tid: %d fd=%d\n", comm, tid, args->fd);
    @sys_enter_recvfrom[tid] = args->ubuf

  printf("%s sys_enter_recvfrom tid: %d message=%r return value: %d\n",
    comm, tid, buf(@sys_enter_recvfrom[tid], args->ret), args->ret);

recvfrom is passed an output buffer. The return value of recvfrom tells you how many bytes were filled in.

To gain access to the output buffer in the exit probe, I store the pointer in a thread id indexed global @sys_enter_recvfrom hash table in the enter probe.

In the exit probe I look up the value of @sys_enter_recvfrom[tid] where tid is the thread id. I then copy out args->ret using the buf() builtin and print it.

Currently the buf() requires the latest version of bpftrace on GitHub which is not yet released but building it from source is easy.

Another thing to point out is tracepoints arguments require specific names. I had to look up the format of sys_enter_recvfrom by reading the “format” file in the appropiate /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/ folder.

$ cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/syscalls/sys_enter_recvfrom/format
name: sys_enter_recvfrom
ID: 1357
    field:unsigned short common_type;   offset:0;   size:2; signed:0;
    field:unsigned char common_flags;   offset:2;   size:1; signed:0;
    field:unsigned char common_preempt_count;   offset:3;   size:1; signed:0;
    field:int common_pid;   offset:4;   size:4; signed:1;

    field:int __syscall_nr; offset:8;   size:4; signed:1;
    field:int fd;   offset:16;  size:8; signed:0;
    field:void * ubuf;  offset:24;  size:8; signed:0;
    field:size_t size;  offset:32;  size:8; signed:0;
    field:unsigned int flags;   offset:40;  size:8; signed:0;
    field:struct sockaddr * addr;   offset:48;  size:8; signed:0;
    field:int * addr_len;   offset:56;  size:8; signed:0;

This is how I knew to use args->ubuf for the output buffer.

Running the test and the sudo bpftrace epoll_wait_debugger.bt I get the following output:

tester:w tracepoint:syscalls:sys_enter_recvfrom tid: 3692 fd=13
tester:w tracepoint:syscalls:sys_exit_recvfrom tid: 3692 message= C\x00\x00\x00\x0bNOTIFY\x00A\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x0e~channel\x00hi!\x00Z\x00\x00\x00\x05I return value 39

Which is the same message as seen in Wireshark.

If I was receiving the notification why didn’t epoll_wait get notified?

I researched the mechanism sockets use for alerting epoll_wait of new data and determined I should trace the socket_def_readable call.

Here is the bpftrace script snippet to trace socket_def_readable entry:

#include <net/inet_sock.h>
#include <net/sock.h>

  $inet_sock = (struct inet_sock *)arg0;
  $dport = (($inet_sock->inet_dport & 0xFF) << 8) | ($inet_sock->inet_dport >> 8);
  printf("%s sock_def_readable enter tid: %d port=%d\n", comm, tid, $dport);

   printf("%s sock_def_readable exit tid %d\n", comm, tid);

There isn’t a tracepoint for sock_def_readable but since it is a kernel function, we can trace it with a kprobe. Unlike tracepoints there isn’t a format file for kprobes. The arguments are all positional, hence the arg0 for the first argument. To learn the arguments one must look at the Linux source.

One advantage of kprobes I’ve found is some complex function arguments of tracepoints cannot be inspected (I don’t know if this is a bug in bpftrace or what) but I can inspect the arguments of the kprobe counterparts.

The first argument to socket_def_readable is a sock* but we can also cast it an inet_sock* (for some reason I find this works better to get the destination port. Also you can get the source port this way).

By using #include to bring into scope definitions of structs, one can cast arguments in kprobes and then inspect the fields of the structs.

I had to convert the port from big to little endian. That is what the bit shifting is about. At the time of writing this blog post, these bpftrace operators are still undocumented.

Running sudo bpftrace epoll_wait_debugger.bt gave:

tester:w sock_def_readable enter tid: 4505 port=2222
tester:w sock_def_readable exit tid: 4505

Okay so the socket fired its notification to wake up epoll_wait, but did it work? Did epoll_wait actually return but somehow the GHC runtime did not properly handle the event?

I extended the script with probes for epoll_wait.

/comm == "tester:w"/
  printf("%s sys_enter_epoll_wait tid %d fd=%d \n", comm, tid, args->epfd);

/comm == "tester:w"/
  printf("%s sys_exit_epoll_wait tid %d\n", comm, tid);

The EventManager runs on a bound thread with a specific name so I filtered epoll_wait calls using the name of the EventManager thread.

I run everything again and get:

tester:w sys_enter_epoll_wait tid: 4760 fd=3
tester:w sys_exit_epoll_wait tid: 4760
tester:w sys_enter_epoll_wait tid: 4760 fd=3
tester:w sys_exit_epoll_wait tid: 4760
tester:w sys_enter_epoll_wait tid: 4760 fd=3

The triple calls to epoll_wait are a small optimization (hopefully) of the EventManager implementation to conserve OS threads. It’s not important. The important piece is that we call epoll_wait but it never returns.

Okay so time to verify some assumptions. Was the file descriptor ready event actually registered? The registration requires a call to epoll_ctl. It was time for more probes:

/comm == "tester:w"/
  $event = (struct epoll_event*)args->event;
  printf("sys_enter_epoll_ctl tid: %d op=%d, fd=%d event_fd=%d\n", tid, args->op, args->fd, $event->data);

/comm == "tester:w"/
  printf("sys_exit_epoll_ctl tid: %d return value: %d\n", tid, args->ret);

Which gave:

sys_enter_epoll_ctl tid: 5111 op=3, fd=13 event_fd=13
sys_exit_epoll_ctl tid: 5111 return value: -2
sys_enter_epoll_ctl tid: 5111 op=1, fd=13 event_fd=13
sys_exit_epoll_ctl tid: 5111 return value: 0

This is the expected sequence. epoll_ctl successfully added a callback after failing to modify a non-existent callback.

There goes that theory.

Somewhat lost, I started to read the epoll_wait source. To help understand which code paths were executed I added more kprobes to see what epoll_wait was doing.

This is when I noticed the following sequence:

tester:w sock_def_readable enter tid: 5902 port=2222
tester:w sock_def_readable exit tid: 5902
tester:w sys_enter_recvfrom tid: 5902 fd=13
tester:w sys_exit_recvfrom tid: 5902 message=C\x00\x00\x00\x0bNOTIFY\x00A\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x17 channel\x00hi!\x00Z\x00\x00\x00\x05I return value: 39
tester:w kprobe:ep_send_events_proc tid: 5900
tester:w kprobe:ep_item_poll.isra.0 tid: 5900
tester:w kretprobe:ep_item_poll.isra.0 tid: 5900
tester:w kretprobe:ep_send_events_proc tid: 5900

Notice the funny name for the kprobe ep_item_poll.isra.0? I don’t know what this is about but a technique I use to discover the real name of kernel functions that at first fail is to use a wildcard. So I used the probe name ep_item_pol*. Now that I know the name I can just use ep_item_poll.isra.0

When the test would pass the sequence was similar but would end with epoll_wait returning.

Looking at the code it seemed like the epoll_wait thread would wake up and check to see what events were available and then go back to sleep if it could not find one.

What can clear out events? Closing a file descriptor could, I assumed.

I traced out close. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Then I noticed the difference between success and failure was when the recvfrom occured. If the sequence went:

  1. sock_def_readable
  2. ep_send_events_proc
  3. sys_enter_recvfrom

everything worked. epoll_wait returned.

If the sequence went:

  1. sock_def_readable
  2. sys_enter_recvfrom
  3. ep_send_events_proc

epoll_wait would not return. Somehow recvfrom was clearing out the read ready event.

By reading through the code for recvfrom I could not see how it was doing this. Then I happened to reread this blog post and it talked about a similar situation with write ready events. It mentioned the role tcp_poll played.

tcp_poll was the missing piece of the puzzle. I added the probe and saw that when ep_item_poll called tcp_poll before recvfrom ran tcp_poll returned 325 which is equivalent to the event flags:

EPOLLIN /*0x1*/ | EPOLLRDNORM /*0x40*/ | EPOLLOUT /*0x4*/| EPOLLWRNORM /*0x100*/

However if recvfrom ran first, tcp_poll would return 260 corresponding to the event flags:


At which point epoll_wait would not return because the socket was not ready for reading. recvfrom had already read all the data.

All Lies

This is the cleaned up version of the steps I took. It’s not really in order. In reality, I started by ignoring the problem and convincing myself it couldn’t affect me. Then I tried to use DTrace and failed (DTrace never seems to work well on Macs). So I moved to Linux and recompiled GHC, adding tracing to the EventManager and dumped an eventlog.

I learned a lot of details on how the EventManager and how GHC’s scheduler worked but could not find any issues.

I decided this was an opportunity to read “BPF Performance Tools” and it was helpful. I wandered through the Linux network stack using the bpftrace’s kstack call to understand the sequences of functions for sending and receiving data on localhost. I learned a lot. It was very interesting. It was an inefficent way to solve this bug.

I made a bunch of wrong turns but the steps above are what ulimately helped after I tried many things that didn’t. I got lucky finding tcp_poll. In the retrospect, debugging with kernel symbols might have been a better approach. Something to try next time.

Final Words on PostgreSQL Notifications

Back to the bug that started this all.

Now that I understand the mechanics of the issue, can the bug be fixed?

I see two ways to avoid the bug hasql-notification has.

One is two use a simpler implementation which assumes the connection used for waiting will not be used for anything else. This is the approach I took with postgresql-libpq-notify.

lpsmith’s original notification design is very clever. It is written in a way where it, in theory, can wait for a notification while freeing the connection up for other operations.

However due to the semantics of threadWaitRead we have to be very careful no calls to recvfrom are made without epoll_wait returning first. It might be possible to do this using a similar approach to one cocreature developed (which I know realize is how postgresql-simple works as well).

Update: I think calling threadWaitRead between sendQuery and getResult the way postgresql-simple does will solve the issue, assuming connection a lock is held for the duration of both calls.

The advantage of this solution is it is able to use connection resources more efficiently. This solution seems possible but easy to mess up.

Something to think about more in the future.
